The Kuragin family in the novel War and Peace characterization of family members essay. The Kuragin family in Leo Tolstoy's novel "War and Peace" Values ​​of the Kuragin family

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The problem of relationships in the family is one of the key topics that interested L.N. Tolstoy. Is it possible to achieve happiness in family life and how to do it - this becomes literally the central problem of many of Tolstoy's works. The novel "War and Peace" was no exception. Descriptions of aristocratic families provide an opportunity not only to recreate a picture of a typical high society, but also to learn about the relationships and principles of interaction between people of different temperaments and life positions.

Family composition, position in society

The Kuragin family is one of the most influential families in aristocratic circles. This is due to several aspects. First of all, it should be noted that this state of the family was created by more than one generation. Significant influence was achieved thanks to the efforts of Prince Vasily, who had a prestigious position and influential acquaintances in the government elite.

The next generation attached little importance to maintaining the status of the family - they only used the achievements of their ancestors.

We offer you to get acquainted with Leo Tolstoy.

At the time of the story, the Kuragin family consists of Prince Vasily Sergeevich, Princess Alina and their three children: Ippolit, Anatole and Elena.

Vasily Sergeevich Kuragin and Alina Kuragina

Vasily Sergeevich Kuragin is the head of the Kuragin family. At the beginning of the novel, he is over 50 years old. He reached great heights in his service. Prince Vasily was an important official, he even personally knew the Empress. In addition, among his acquaintances were other officials from the top of the government apparatus. He maintains such an acquaintance not on the basis of common interests, but for the sake of self-interest - such significant connections will do an excellent job and help resolve important issues.

Prince Vasily knows how to use the favor of people, he has the talent of persuasion. In addition, he knows how to ingratiate himself. Unfortunately, this trend only works with strangers.

In relation to his family members, his talent makes significant mistakes, and his children from time to time completely get out of parental control.

Prince Vasily is married. Princess Alina - his wife - is practically not described by Tolstoy. It is known about her that she is a fat and not exactly attractive woman. They had three children in their marriage. The appearance of her daughter Elena becomes the envy of Princess Alina. This feeling is so strong that it does not allow a woman to fully live.

Ippolit Vasilyevich Kuragin

The age of this son of Princess Alina and Prince Vasily is not indicated. It is known that he is in the service of the embassy as a secretary. Unlike other children, Hippolyte is not distinguished by beauty and attractiveness. He has a calm temperament. The young man is restrained and courteous.

Hippolyte's mental abilities want the best - he is a rather stupid person, but at the same time he has a talent for learning foreign languages ​​- Hippolyte is fluent in English and French.

Anatol Vasilievich Kuragin

Unlike the calm Hippolytus, Anatole, in the truest sense of the word, became Prince Vasily's headache. The youngest son of the Kuragins is a lover of a luxurious and free life - drunken brawls, constant festivities, losing cards - all this brought a lot of trouble to Vasily Sergeevich.

The exact age of Anatole in the novel is also not precisely indicated - his only age marker is “young man”. Anatole is not married. Yes, given his behavior and addiction to revelry and debauchery, this is not surprising.

Anatole Kuragin is used to playing with people's feelings. So, for example, out of a whim, he upsets the engagement of Natasha Rostova and Andrei Bolkonsky. At the same time, the young man does not feel a sense of guilt or embarrassment. The thought that he not only created trouble for the girl with his actions, but also caused her psychological trauma, does not even visit him.

His courtship to Marie Bolkonskaya is also not distinguished by tact. Marie was far from beautiful, marriage with her was an extremely profitable party in material terms for the Kuragins, but Anatole's free behavior and his interest in servants became the reason for the refusal.

Prince Vasily tried to give his children a good education. Anatole studied abroad (most likely in France), but everything was to no avail - to teach something to a person who did not want to learn became an impossible task.

Anatole burned his life - he was not interested in either the opportunity to make a fortune, or military service, or civil service. The only thing that gave him satisfaction was drinking and the company of women.

The outcome of Anatole's life path is extremely uncertain. We learn the latest news about him in the hospital where Prince Andrei Bolkonsky ended up after being wounded. It was there that he met his sworn enemy, but Anatole's position was extremely miserable - after the amputation of his leg, he could not recover. It is assumed that Anatole suffered death.

Elena Vasilievna Kuragina

No less colorful character of the family is the daughter of Prince Vasily and Princess Alina - Elena. Beauty Elena had a delightful appearance. A thin camp, regular facial features, a proportional body structure has always attracted men of various ages and aroused a feeling of envy in women.

Mind, like all the children of the Kuragins, Elena did not differ, or rather, was distinguished by its absence, but unlike her brothers, the girl was perfectly able to create the illusion of his presence. A certain facial expression, a thoughtful look, helped to convince others that she was a girl of an extraordinary mind.

Elena is very greedy for money - for the sake of wealth, she marries Pierre Bezukhov, while breaking both her life and his. Suspicious Pierre could not stop the depraved behavior of his wife and, as a result, became the cause of ridicule and mockery from those around him. Elena knew how to put herself in a relationship with her husband - he believed her despite all the rumors, and even after an anonymous letter about Elena's love affairs, he did not want to believe in her betrayal.

Elena's numerous lovers are not the only dark spot in her biography. At one time, there were rumors about the love of Elena and Anatole, and although there is no evidence of their love affair in the novel, nevertheless, numerous hints make it clear that, quite likely, the matter did not end with one platonic love.

Elena always appreciated in people only external attractiveness, therefore it is not surprising that over time her dislike for the obese and not distinguished by beauty Pierre began to weigh on her.

A woman sees the only option in divorce, but her religion does not allow her to do this. For this purpose, Elena becomes a Catholic, but she did not have time to fulfill her intention - the girl suddenly dies. The exact cause of her death is not known, it is presumed that Elena died due to bleeding after an unsuccessful attempt to get rid of an unwanted pregnancy.

Thus, the Kuragin family is not distinguished by high morality or nobility. Almost all members of the family were seized with a thirst for money, attachment to debauchery. Kuragins did not differ in humane attitudes towards others, but most of all in people they valued external beauty and attractiveness.

A family
Prince Vasily Kuragin.

For Tolstoy, the world of the family is the basis of human
society. The Kuragin family in the novel appears as the embodiment of immorality.
Greed, hypocrisy, the ability to commit crime, dishonor for the sake of wealth,
irresponsibility for their actions in their personal lives - these are the main distinguishing
features of this family.
And how much destruction Kuragins brought - prince
Vasily, Helen, Anatole - into the life of Pierre, the Rostovs, Natasha, Andrei Bolkonsky!
Kuragins - the third family association in the novel -
devoid of generic poetry. Their familial closeness and connection is unpoetic, although she,
undoubtedly there is - instinctive mutual support and solidarity, a kind of
the mutual guarantee of almost animal egoism. This family connection is not positive,
a real family connection, but, in essence, its denial. Real families -
Rostovs, Bolkonskys - they, of course, have against the Kuragins on their side
immeasurable moral superiority; but still an intrusion
low Kuragin egoism causes a crisis in the world of these families.
The whole Kuragin family are individualists who do not recognize
moral norms, living according to the immutable law of the fulfillment of their insignificant

Prince Vasily Kuragin The head of this entire family is Prince Vasily
Kuragin. For the first time we meet Prince Vasily in the salon of Anna Pavlovna Scherer. He
was "in a court, embroidered uniform, in stockings, in shoes and stars, with
bright expression of a flat face. "The prince spoke" in
that exquisite French, which was not only spoken, but also thought
our grandfathers, and with those quiet, patronizing intonations that
characteristic of an aged person in high society and at court, a significant person, "" said
always lazily, as an actor says the role of an old play. "In the eyes of secular society, the prince
Kuragin - a respected person, "close to the emperor, surrounded by a crowd
enthusiastic women, scattering social courtesies and complacently
chuckling". In words, he was a decent, sympathetic person,
but in reality there was an internal struggle going on in him between desire
to seem like a decent person and the actual depravity of his motives.
Prince Vasily "knew that influence in the world is capital that needs to be
take care that he does not disappear, and once realizing that if he begins to ask for
everyone who asks him, then soon he will not be able to ask for himself, he rarely
used this influence." But, at the same time, he
sometimes felt remorse. So, in the case of Princess Drubetskaya, he
felt "something like a pangs of conscience", as she reminded him
that "he owed his first steps in the service to her father." Prince Vasily is not alien to his father's feelings, although
they are expressed rather in the desire to "attach"
their children, rather than give them fatherly love and warmth. According to Anna Pavlovna
Scherer, people like the prince shouldn't have children.
"…And why
will children be born to people like you? If you were not a father, I
I wouldn't be able to reproach you for anything." To which the prince replied: "What
should I do? You know, I did everything for their education.
maybe father." Prince
forced Pierre to marry Helen, while pursuing his own selfish goals. At the proposal of Anna Pavlovna Sherer "to marry
prodigal son Anatole" on Princess Maria Bolkonskaya,
learning that the princess is a rich heiress, he says:
"she is
good name and rich. All I need." At the same time, Prince Vasily
does not think at all that Princess Marya may be unhappy in marriage
with the dissolute varmint Anatole, who looked at his whole life as one
continuous entertainment.
Absorbed all the vile, vicious traits of the prince
Vasily and his children.

Helen Kuragina
Helen is the embodiment of external beauty and internal
voids, fossils. Tolstoy constantly mentions her "monotonous", "unchanging"
smile and "ancient beauty of the body", she resembles a beautiful,
soulless statue. Helene Scherer enters the salon "noisy with her white ballroom
robe, trimmed with ivy and moss, and shining with the whiteness of the shoulders, the gloss of the hair and
diamonds, passed without looking at anyone, but smiling at everyone and, as if kindly
giving everyone the right to admire the beauty of their camp, full of shoulders, very
open in the then fashion, chest and back, and as if bringing with it a shine
bala. Helen was so beautiful that not only was there no shadow in her
coquetry, but, on the contrary, she seemed ashamed of her undoubted and
overpowering beauty. She seemed to want and could not belittle
actions of this beauty.
Helen personifies immorality and depravity.
The whole Kuragin family are individualists who do not recognize any moral standards,
living according to the immutable law of the fulfillment of their insignificant desires. Helen enters
married only for their own enrichment.
She is cheating on her husband because her nature is dominated by
animal origin. It is no coincidence that Tolstoy leaves Helen childless. "I
not such a fool to have children," she admits. Still,
being the wife of Pierre, Helen, in front of the eyes of the whole society, is arranging
his personal life.
In addition to a magnificent bust, a rich and beautiful body,
this representative of the big world had an extraordinary ability to hide
their mental and moral poverty, and all this thanks only to the grace
her manners and memorization of some phrases and techniques. Shamelessness manifested in her
under such grandiose high-society forms, which aroused in others a little
whether not respect.
Helen is completely devoid of patriotic feelings. At that
while the whole country rose up to fight against Napoleon, and even the high society
took part in this struggle in his own way ("they did not speak French and
ate simple food"), in Helen's circle, Rumyantsev, French, were refuted
rumors about the cruelty of the enemy and the war and discussed all of Napoleon's attempts to
When the threat of the seizure of Moscow by Napoleonic troops
became clear, Helen went abroad. And there she shone at the imperial
yard. But now the court returns to St. Petersburg.
having returned together with the court from Vilna to Petersburg, she was in
predicament. In Petersburg, Helen enjoyed a special
patronage of a nobleman who occupied one of the highest positions in the state.
In the end, Helen dies. This death is direct
a consequence of her own intrigues. "Countess Elena Bezukhova
died suddenly from ... a terrible disease, which is commonly called chest
a sore throat, but in intimate circles they talked about how the queen's life doctor
Spanish prescribed Helen small doses of some kind of medicine to work
known action; but like Helen, tormented by the fact that the old count
suspected her, and the fact that the husband to whom she wrote (this unfortunate depraved
Pierre), did not answer her, suddenly took a huge dose of the medicine prescribed for her and
died in agony before help could be given."
Ippolit Kuragin.
"... Prince Ippolit struck with his
extraordinary resemblance to her beautiful sister, and even more so that despite
resemblance, he was strikingly ugly. His facial features were the same as those of
sister, but that everything was lit up with a cheerful, self-satisfied, young,
unchanging smile and extraordinary, ancient beauty of the body. Brother, on the other hand,
his face, too, was hazy with idiocy and invariably expressed self-confident
disgust, and the body was thin and weak. Eyes, nose, mouth - everything shrank like
as if in one indefinite boring grimace, and arms and legs always took
unnatural position.
Hippolyte was extraordinarily stupid. Because of self-confidence
with whom he spoke, no one could understand whether what he said was very clever or very stupid.
At the reception at Scherer, he appears to us "in
dark green tailcoat, in trousers the color of a frightened nymph, as he himself said, in
stockings and shoes." And such an absurdity of attire
did not bother.
His stupidity was manifested in the fact that he sometimes
spoke, and then understood what he said. Hippolyte often spoke and acted
inappropriately, expressed his opinions when they were of no use to anyone. He
liked to insert into the conversation phrases that were completely unrelated to the essence of the discussion
The character of Hippolytus can serve as a living example of
that even positive idiocy is sometimes presented in the world as something that has
value due to the gloss attached to the knowledge of the French language, and the fact
the extraordinary property of this language to support and at the same time mask
spiritual emptiness.
Prince Vasily calls Ippolit "the deceased
fool". Tolstoy in the novel - "sluggish and breaking."
These are the dominant character traits of Hippolytus. Hippolyte is stupid, but he
stupidity at least does not harm anyone, unlike his younger brother

Anatole Kuragin.
Anatole Kuragin, according to Tolstoy, "a simple
and with carnal inclinations." These are the dominant features
character of Anatole. He looked at his whole life as a continuous amusement,
which someone such for some reason undertook to arrange for him. The author's characterization of Anatole is as follows:
"He was not
is able to think neither about how his actions may respond to others, nor
what can come out of such or such an act of his."
Anatole is entirely free from consideration
responsibility and consequences of what he does. His selfishness is direct,
animal-naive and good-natured, absolute egoism, for he is not constrained by anything
Anatole inside, in consciousness, feeling. It's just that Kuragin is deprived of the ability to know
what will happen after that moment of his pleasure, and how it will affect his life
other people, as others see. All this does not exist for him at all.
He is sincerely convinced, instinctively, with all his being, that everything around has
its sole purpose is entertainment and exists for that. No regard for
people, on their opinion, on the consequences, no distant goal that would force
focus on achieving it, no remorse, reflection,
hesitation, doubt - Anatole, no matter what he does, naturally and sincerely
considers himself an impeccable person and carries his beautiful head high: freedom is truly unlimited, freedom in actions and self-awareness.
Such complete freedom was given to Anatole by his
meaninglessness. A man who is conscious of life is already subject, as
Pierre, the need to understand and decide, he is not free from life's difficulties, from
question: why? While Pierre is tormented by this difficult question,
Anatole lives, content with every minute, stupid, animalistic, but easy and
Marrying a "rich ugly heiress" -
Maria Bolkonskaya seems to him another amusement. "BUT
why not marry if she is very rich? It never gets in the way."
thought Anatole.

In his work, Leo Tolstoy often refers to the theme of family values. The relationship of parents becomes a model of behavior for children in the future.

The image and characterization of the Kuragin family in the novel "War and Peace" reflects the unacceptable moral norms of the aristocratic society of Russia at the beginning of the 19th century.

Prince Vasily

The elder Kuragin occupied an important place at the court of Alexander I. The father of the family was over 50 years old already at the beginning of the story, he was a distant relative of Pierre Bezukhov, whom he later successfully married to his daughter. The prince had some influence at court, but he carefully saved his connections, tried to submit petitions for personal purposes, often refusing asking relatives.

Feeling like a significant person in high society, he always expressed himself in an exquisitely patronizing tone. Vasily Sergeevich was an excellent reader, he had to read to the queen herself, so the prince was confident everywhere, attended evenings of exceptionally noble persons, where he could meet the people he needed.

The nobleman wore a uniform with stars and was always washed to the shine of his bald forehead. The gait was graceful, the movements free, even familiar. Vasily Sergeevich spoke in a bass voice capable of solving all the problems that arose in his life. Monotonous lazy speech made it clear to the interlocutor that the prince was talking about what he was well aware of.

The experience of court life made Kuragin self-confident, indifferent to the grief of others, mocking everyone who was below him in rank. Fatherly feelings worried the prince a little, he considered children a burden of life, he called both sons frankly stupid.

Prince Vasily carefully chooses his social circle, trying to spend time in circles where there are many people who are higher than his rank. As soon as a profitable acquaintance appeared on the horizon, Vasili immediately made contact, without preparation and thought, trying not to miss the opportunity. Every situation that arose randomly, where it was possible to turn things to his advantage, the hero used to the fullest extent.

The purpose of his life was new, more profitable jobs and breast stars, emphasizing the status and national importance.

Youngest son Anatole

The guy was tall and handsome. Large radiant eyes gave the face a victorious expression, good-natured and cheerful. The blush on the cheeks emphasized the excellent health of the cavalry guard. Black eyebrows indicated a valiant prowess. A mop of blond hair fell seductively over a white, regular forehead.

The son studied outside of Russia. The army career developed successfully with the support of his father. Having success with women, Anatole is proud of his reputation as a womanizer. In women's society, the dandy behaves freely, can support a conversation on any topic.

Petersburg turned the head of a novice officer, he did not miss a single revelry at Dolokhov's, was the ringleader of all scandals and adventures. Alcohol stirred the blood of a young man; when drunk, he was capable of any act.

The younger Kuragin could afford a lot, did not save on entertainment, his father was angry with him for squandering. When there was not enough money, Anatole immediately borrowed a large amount, relying on his father to repay the debts. This man didn't care what the people around him felt.

Marrying Marya Bolkonskaya, Kuragin, without thinking about the consequences, flirts with Madame Bourrienne. An arrogant attitude towards women does not reduce their interest in him as a noble groom. He drove all the girls crazy, he himself was not opposed to marrying in order to enrich himself, he looked out for a party with a dowry.

Young Natasha Rostova comes into view, who, being engaged, was waiting for Andrei Bolkonsky from Turkey. Anatole used all his skill in seducing girls to win the girl's favor. Having fallen in love with a vile deceiver, Natasha decides to run away with him. The escape was thwarted by Sonya, Rostova learned the outrageous details of the personal life of the failed groom. As a result of a greedy plan, the engagement with Prince Bolkonsky had to be terminated.

It turned out that two years ago Kuragin married in Poland under pressure from the parents of a dishonored girl. Having escaped from his wife, Anatole paid his father so that few people in Russia would know about this oversight.

Helen's daughter

The black-eyed beauty had antique forms and could conquer any man. The girl was a fashionista, knew a lot about jewelry, used chic perfume. The princess easily charmed young Pierre, the heir to a huge fortune. She kindled such a passion in the young man's heart that he painfully wanted to possess her. With the help of her father, the princess quickly became Countess Bezukhova so as not to miss the prey.

The socialite Helen is known throughout St. Petersburg, she has a huge number of friends. Countess Bezukhova is visited by ambassadors of other states. Admirers of the highest aristocratic circles of Russia are applied to her hand. But Tolstoy considers the heroine stupid, perhaps because she failed to decently dispose of her position, to benefit society from the height of her status.

Sensual nature, she loves her body, appreciates carnal pleasures, champagne and balls in life. The star of receptions, the decoration of the festive evening, the woman was able to fall in love with even the prince. This is a reason to consider the heroine smart, Rumyantsev himself visited her house.

Helen has no number of lovers, through the bed she arranges her husband's career. Passion makes a woman demand a divorce from Pierre. To achieve her goal, Kuragina accepts the Catholic faith and is waiting for permission from the Pope to terminate the marriage bond with Count Bezukhov.

A sudden illness leads to a sudden death of the unfortunate. Officially, the woman passed away due to pneumonia, but there were persistent rumors that the true diagnosis related to the venereal topic and was hidden by relatives because of shame.

Son of Hippolyte

During the time of Leo Tolstoy, the appearance of the eldest of the prince's sons stood out from the aristocratic crowd. The guy carefully looked after himself, followed fashion trends, but wore frilly things. The hero called his pantaloons the colors of the frightened nymph.

Hippolyte did not know where to attach the thin long limbs, which seemed to move independently. Trying to give an intelligent expression to his face, the prince looked very stupid and funny. The father speaks of him as a calm fool, compared to the violent Anatole.

At one time, Andrei Bolkonsky was jealous of the hero for his wife Lisa, although he believed that he behaved like a jester in high society. His speech is distinguished by a French accent, which was often found in aristocratic families in those days. Representatives of the nobility spoke better French than their native language.

Hippolyte is fluent in English. Under the patronage of his father, the prince builds a career as an ambassador.

The author does not expand on the princess mother, mentioning her only as an old fat woman. Kuragins are devoid of moral values, their life priority is personal gain, enrichment and idleness.

The novel "War and Peace" L.N. Tolstoy is an epic work. Against the backdrop of large-scale historical events, Tolstoy depicts the private life of a person, his search for the meaning and purpose of life, the search for happiness. Each hero of the novel has his own destiny, his ups and downs, his own delusions. What is the reason for this or that act of a person? Is it not in the upbringing that was received in childhood, or in the family structure from which the concepts of good and evil, moral and immoral are learned? Thus, “family thought” is woven into the fabric of the novel from its first pages.

Before us are the lives of several generations of completely different family clans: the Rostovs, Bolkonskys, Kuragins, Bergs, Drubetskys ... I will dwell on two of them.

In his estate in the Bald Mountains lives the old prince Nikolai Andreevich Bolkonsky, the head of an ancient, noble family, the father of a family with a patriarchal bias. He served Russia gloriously, but now he is in disgrace. This majestic, proud old man of widows, he has a bad temper, but he is still active: he writes his memoirs, works on a lathe, does mathematics with his daughter. In his opinion, "there are only two sources of human vices: idleness and superstition, and there are only two virtues: activity and intelligence." The main condition for activity for him is the order that is brought in his house to the "last degree of accuracy."

The prince has wonderful children: Andrei and Marya. The prince wanted to raise them smart, noble, honest. The children have grown up. The son became what his father dreamed of, and even handsome. True, this does not make Andrei happy: he is married, but does not love his wife. A daughter is a father's pain. Everyone is good, but not pretty. If she were beautiful, they would love her, and so they will marry, of course, but they will marry him for his noble family and his money.

Nikolai Andreevich hardly realizes how much he interferes in the fate of his children. Serving the state, the old prince was a prominent figure in the court. Hence his own and the famous "Bolkonskaya" pride, the conviction of the need to serve the Fatherland, transferred to Andrei. Prince Andrei believes in his destiny for achievement and greatness. In addition, he was fed up with the life of the capital, and his wife was tired of him, and he went to war in search of "his Toulon", that is, glory. Wounded at Austerlitz, Andrei understands the illusory nature of fame and the need for simple family happiness. But this happiness is not given to him to experience. The little princess dies during childbirth, blaming the "Bolkon" pride and abstraction of high aspirations with her death. The meeting with Natasha also turns into a drama. The father is against the new marriage of his son. In the depths of her soul, Princess Marya also opposes this. At the insistence of the old prince, the wedding was postponed for a year, and this fatally destroys the possible happiness of his son.

But could Andrei and Natasha be happy? Hardly. They were brought up very differently. Natasha is so simple, open and direct in her desires and aspirations, and Andrey is so closed, selfish, that a certain alienation constantly arises between them. The prince does not understand Natasha. This is probably why wounded pride does not allow him to forgive her passion for Kuragin, in which there is also his fault.

Before his death, Andrey will meet Natasha again. Only now did he “understand her feeling, her suffering, shame, repentance” and for the first time realized the cruelty of his break with her. But Tolstoy does not give the hero the opportunity to fix anything. Previously, her death did not allow her to make amends for her wife, now, without knowing family happiness, Andrei himself dies.

A savage by nature, Princess Mary is forced to live as a recluse in the Bald Mountains and knows no other life than patience and help for "God's people." The father is often painfully cruel and tactless towards his daughter. Although Marya does not want anything for herself personally. More than anything, she wants to be "poorer than the poorest of the poor." It would seem that the death of the old prince frees Marya, but at the same time, a firm and active paternal character wakes up in her. The upbringing of the old prince affects - the daughter grew up a strong and active woman.

Self-sacrifice is the life principle of Marya before meeting with Nikolai Rostov and until the death of Andrei. The new post-war life in the Bald Mountains is "indestructibly correct." Princess Marya finds family happiness only after becoming Countess Rostova. Her family is strong because it is based on the constant spiritual work of Countess Marya, whose goal is only "the moral good of children."

The Kuragin family is not just the antipode of the Bolkonskys. This, perhaps, is the very embodiment of immorality. Prince Vasily Kuragin is almost the same age as the old Prince Bolkonsky. He also wants happiness for his children, only the understanding of happiness is different for the two old people. A secular man, popular in the upper strata of society and accustomed to this success, usually Vasily Kuragin did not think about his plans, like all vile people, he did not burden himself with thoughts about duty, about truth, about useful things for society, he was only interested in personal interests.

For Prince Vasily, the family is only mutual support and solidarity, mutual responsibility. His son Ippolit, a diplomat in Austria, has already been attached, and now his father is busy to attach the beautiful Helen. Having abandoned all his affairs, the prince takes care of and directs the "unlucky" Pierre: he appoints him to the chamber junkers, settles him in his house. And he, ungrateful, does not propose to his daughter. I had to take over everything again in order to connect Pierre and Helen. Now the daughter is Countess Bezukhova. Whether this marriage is moral, whether the daughter is happy or not, is not so important for her father. The main thing is that she is attached, shines in the light, is rich.

Helen and Pierre do not have a family. But Ellen doesn't care. She lies to her husband, leaves with him, but, realizing at a certain moment that in the eyes of the world it is better to have a husband than to be alone, she insists on living with Pierre under the same roof - it’s more convenient for her. Helen is not capable of being tormented by pangs of conscience, considering herself guilty, she always and in everything finds an excuse for herself.

But the time will come, and with her husband alive, she will choose one of two applicants for her hand. And she will start a divorce from her husband just at the moment when the fate of Russia will be decided on the Borodino field. In addition, she will commit a betrayal - she will go over to the Catholic faith, the faith of the enemy. Helen's death is surrounded by the same lie that her whole life was entangled.

To match her, the youngest son of Prince Vasily Anatole is a dissolute handsome man, a reveler, a spendthrift and a cynic. It was military time, his regiment marched out, but he, without embarrassment, said: “But I am listed,” not even knowing exactly where he is listed. The beauty of the young rake first seduces Princess Mary. A stern warning from her father (“Remember one thing: the happiness of your life depends on your decision”) and a combination of circumstances: Princess Mary accidentally saw Anatole, who had come to woo her, hug Bourien, save her from marriage with an immoral man.

Not only Princess Marya, but also Natasha will be subjected to Kuragin's onslaught. Poetic Natasha and stupid Anatole - it would seem, what do these people have in common? Anatole did not think about how his actions would affect others, nor about what might come out of this or that act. This is an egoist who thinks only of momentary pleasure, he is completely free in his behavior, feeling complete impunity. Natasha also has a sense of inner freedom. But it is of a completely different kind: it is a naive demand for immediate, now open, direct, human relations between people. But it is precisely this “everything is possible” that brings her to Anatole. The experience helps her to understand that human freedom cannot be outside of morality.

Seeing in the family the destiny of a woman, harmony and happiness, talking a lot in his novel about the nature of human beauty - external and internal, Tolstoy removes the beautiful Helen and her dazzling brother from the pages of the novel and leads to family happiness those heroes whose beauty is spiritual - Princess Marya and Natasha.

In all the great works of Leo Tolstoy, the family theme runs like a red thread, but, perhaps, only the Kuragin family in the novel "War and Peace" evokes so many negative emotions in the reader.

Characteristics and description of the Kuragin family in the novel "War and Peace"

Let us consider point by point what this family is, what their goals, occupations, interests, relationships with each other and with others.

Where do Kuragins live

Prince Vasily, the father of the family, appears in the first lines of the novel in Anna Scherer's salon. This is a circle of high society, a place where aristocrats, dignitaries close to the emperor, meet. All of them have a huge impact on the fate of the country.

It is inconceivable that they lived anywhere else but in the capital of the Russian Empire, St. Petersburg. Except for Anatole Kuragin, who was "sent" by his father to Moscow because he cost him too much money - forty thousand rubles a year. In Moscow, Anatole lived more modestly, in the Horse Guards barracks.

Relations in the Kuragin family between children

The younger generation of the princes Kuragins is a type of secular, spoiled by wealth and nobility of young people. They are cheerful and easy to communicate, they can get carried away, but even among themselves they are not capable of high feelings.

Anatole and Helen are connected by the attraction of two beautiful, healthy animals. They sympathize with each other and sometimes help "brotherly" in achieving their passions associated with lust and money. Each of them is successful in its own way: Anatole is a famous rake in high society, Helen is a beauty and socialite.

They admire each other and feel practical benefit - the role of one enhances the role of the other. Their mutual sympathy even caused unpleasant talk in the world (perhaps not without reason, as the author hints), partly because of this, Anatole was sent to Moscow.

The eldest son Hippolytus is given less attention in the novel. He is depicted as a degenerate, incapable of any sincere feelings. Everything in him is on display, with the most confident look he says perfect nonsense. However, this does not prevent him from holding a diplomatic post.

His brother and sister are quite pleased with Ippolit simply because he is Kuragin, one of them. They would be ready to help him in his career if it was required, because all Kuragins should live well and have a decent position in society, otherwise it is simply not conceivable. In addition, his brother and sister appreciate him because he is a harmless fool, he is not dangerous to them as a competitor.

The problem of fathers and children of the Kuragins

The attitude of Prince Vasily towards his children captivates with his open, good-natured cynicism. He wants to marry Anatole profitably, because he costs him too much. Helen marries Pierre, as she hopes to profit from millions of Bezukhovs herself.

Children consider the practicality and lack of spirituality of their parents as the norm, they perfectly understand their father and contribute to all his undertakings.

Paradoxically, there are no problems of fathers and children in the Kuragin family. Almost complete harmony reigns here. Almost - because, although there are no ideological contradictions between them, there are contradictions of interests at the level of wealth, nobility, pleasures.

Princess Kuragina (a character who rarely appears in the novel) is tormented by envy of her daughter when Helen enters into a "brilliant" marriage with Pierre Bezukhov. Anatole is angry with his father when he does not give him money.

Attitude towards the servants of the Kuragins

For the princes Kuragin, servants are just servants, almost inanimate beings, designed to provide them with comfort. The princes do not enter into human communication with them, this is "not comme il faut."

The tone of relations with them is lordly and contemptuous. This is an approved form of communication, which is taboo to cross.

Attitude towards war and Napoleon at the Kuragins

Any political or religious views in the Kuragin universe are not so important in comparison with their personal interests. Prince Vasily, by virtue of his social position, expresses certain political views, always close to the general line of thought of his entourage. Even in times of war, he seeks only his own benefit.

Hippolytus is able to tell a patriotic anecdote that elevates his Sovereign above other European rulers. Before the war, he spoke contemptuously of Bonoparte, considering him an unworthy upstart. Anatole and Helen, the youngest children of the Kuragins, were completely uninterested in politics.

When the war of 12 began, it affected all Russian people. But the Kuragins only wanted to survive in it, which not everyone succeeded. Anatole was wounded in the Battle of Borodino, his leg was amputated, after which he died. Helen flees abroad and subsequently dies of a shameful illness.

Author's attitude to the Kuragins

Lev Nikolaevich, as an antithesis to other heroes, brought out unprincipled individualists in the images of the Kuragins. In the days of severe trials, they turned out to be a useless and even harmful burden for the Fatherland. The people defeated Napoleon in spite of such people.

According to Tolstoy's deep conviction, a family should have a warm, human beginning, based on mutual love, patience, selfless help to one's neighbor. Only such a union can be called a true family.

Analyzing the fate of his heroes, Tolstoy comes to the conclusion that the life philosophy of the Kuragins leads to the death of themselves and harms others.

Anatole seduces the young naive Natasha, being married himself, thereby destroying her future marriage with Andrei Bolkonsky. Helen's dissolute behavior leads Pierre to the brink of life and death, and then to a deep spiritual crisis.

Comparative characteristics of the Bolkonsky, Rostov, Kuragin families

The family relations of the Bolkonskys are described dramatically and touchingly. The formidable old prince, who is both feared and sincerely loved by his children. Trembling Marie, adoring her brother. When Andrei Bolkonsky realizes that he wants fame, human veneration, he, having passed severe trials, repents of this, changes his life. Anatole is not characterized by reflection at all. He not only thinks about other people, but also about himself.

Tolstoy described the Rostov family with particular attention. Love reigns here. Ardent, charming Natasha is the soul of this family. She is adored even by the servants, despite her whims.

When Nikolai, the eldest of the Rostov children, having lost at cards, casually asks his father to pay his debt, he, embarrassed, quickly agrees. A minute later, ashamed of his act, Nikolai asks for forgiveness with tears. Such a scene is unthinkable in the Kuragin family.

Quotation characteristic of the Kuragin family

Of Helen he says: "Where you are - there is debauchery, evil."

The head of the family, Prince Vasily, says this about his offspring: “My children are the burden of my existence. This is my cross." Hippolyte he characterizes "dead fool", and Anatole, the youngest son, - "restless".

Helen's quote from the novel speaks for itself: "I'm not stupid enough to have kids."