The image and characteristics of the curly-haired man in the play Thunderstorm Ostrovsky composition. The emotional drama of Katerina in the play “Thunderstorm” Summary of the thunderstorm, the image of Vanya Curly

The system of images in the drama of A.N. Ostrovsky "Thunderstorm".

Wild image.

In Ostrovsky’s comedy “At a stranger’s feast, a hangover” the meaning of the word “tyrant” is defined in this way: “A tyrant is called if a person doesn’t listen to anyone: you at least have a stake on his head, but he’s all his own ... This is a wild, domineering person, tough heart."

Such a tyrant, whose behavior is guided only by unbridled arbitrariness and stupid obstinacy, is Savel Prokofievich Dikoy. Wild requires the unquestioning obedience of those around him, who will do anything to somehow not anger him. It is especially difficult for his family: at home, Wild unbelts without any restraint, and family members, fleeing from rage, hide all day in attics and closets. In the end, he hunted down Boris Grigoryevich's nephew Wild, knowing that he was completely financially dependent on him.

He is not at all shy about Dikaya and with strangers, over whom you can “show off” with impunity, the traits of tyranny are especially pronounced in his conversation with Kulibin.

Kulibin turns to Wild with a request to give 10 rubles for the construction of a sundial in the city.

wild: Or maybe you want to steal; who knows you!...

Kulibin: Why, sir, Savel Prokofievich, do you want to offend an honest man?

wild: Will I give you a report? I don't report to anyone more important than you. I want to think about you, so I think. For others, you are an honest person, but I think that you are a robber, that's all. Would you like to hear it from me? So listen: I say that the robber, and the end! What are you going to sue, or something, you will be with me! So you know that you are a worm. If I want - I will have mercy, if I want - I will crush.

Wild feels his strength and power - the power of capital. For the sake of money, Dikoy is ready to go to any kind of fraud and deceit. Here is one of his tricks: “A lot of people stay with me a year ... I don’t pay them extra for a penny per person, but I make up a thousand of that, so it’s good for me!”

Money is his passion. Parting with them, if they already fell into his pocket, is painful for Wild. “In his house, no one even dares to utter a word about salary: he scolds what the world is worth.” Best of all, Dikoy himself speaks about this: “Yes, what do you order me to do with myself when my heart is like that? After all, I already know what I need to give, but I can’t do everything with good! I will give, I will give, but I will scold. Therefore, just give me a hint about money, it will start to kindle my whole interior ... "" A piercing man, "- this is how Curly characterizes Diky for his rudeness.

Passes Wild only to those who are able to repulse him. Once on the ferry, on the Volga, he did not dare to contact a passing hussar, and after that he again took out his insult at home, dispersing everyone into attics and closets. He restrains his temper in front of the Kabanikha, seeing in her his equal.

Another reason that helped tyranny flourish (besides the power of money) is ignorance. Dikoy's ignorance is especially evident in the scene of his conversation with Kulibin regarding the lightning rod device. Dikoy yells at Kulibin: “What else is there elestry? Well, how are you not a robber! A thunderstorm is sent to us as a punishment so that we feel ... "

A person's language, manner of speaking, and the intonation of speech itself usually testify to the character of a person. This is fully confirmed in the language of the Wild. His speech is always rude and full of abusive expressions and epithets: a robber, a worm, a parasite, a fool, etc. And his distortion of foreign words (Jesuit, elestrichestvo) only emphasizes his ignorance.

Despotism, unbridled arbitrariness, ignorance, rudeness - these are the features that characterize the image of the tyrant Wild, a typical representative of the "Dark Kingdom".

The image of the Kabanikh.

The image of the stern and domineering Marfa Ignatievna Kabanova (Kabanikha) allows us to get acquainted with another variety of representatives of the "dark kingdom", as typical as the Wild, but even more sinister and gloomy.

"Prude, sir! The beggars are clothed, and the household is completely stuck, ”Kulibin correctly and aptly defines the character of the Kabanikh.

Indeed, Kabanikha is first of all a hypocrite, covering up and justifying her actions with the ideals of Domostroy antiquity. The boar strictly observes all the customs and orders of this patriarchal antiquity. She demands, for example, that Katerina, when parting with her husband, be sure to “howl” and that she not hug him, but bow at his feet.

The new order seems to her absurd and even ridiculous. She wants to force everyone to live the old fashioned way and does not tolerate in anyone around her the manifestation of her will, her initiative. “... They don’t know anything, there’s no order,” she thinks of the young, “what will happen, how the old people will die, how the light will stand, I don’t know.”

As a true guardian of antiquity, Kabanikha is superstitious. She has an ostentatious piety. She does not miss a single church service, gives money to the poor, and receives wanderers like Feklusha in her house. But her despotism in domestic life is even harder than the despotism of the Wild.

The wild one will scream, quarrel, even beat him in a temper, and even cool off, and the Boar tortures and pursues his victims day after day, tortures in cold blood, persistently, sharpens "like rusty iron." She brought Katerina to the grave, because she did not leave Varvara's house, and Tikhon lost the ability to think and live independently. The family, in the words of Tikhon, "broke apart."

The boar is as ignorant as the Wild. She cannot reconcile herself with the fact that "for the sake of speed" people invented a "fiery serpent" - a locomotive. “And even if you shower me with gold, I won’t go,” she declares resolutely.

However, Kabanikha already has a presentiment that the inevitable end is coming to the old days, that hard times are coming for her.

The boar is smarter than the Wild Boar. Unlike the unbridled, wild in her antics and the wild who does not control herself, she is restrained, outwardly impassive and harsh. This is the only person in the city who is somehow considered Wild. She acts as a kind of theoretician of the old way.

And her language is richer and more complex than the language of the Wild. In it, too, sometimes rude expressions slip through, but they are not characteristic of her speech. The imperiousness of Kabanikha is reflected not in swearing, but in the commanding tone of her speech (“To the feet! To the feet!”, “Well, keep talking!”). A noticeable imprint on her speech was left by the atmosphere of "piety" and ancient rituals that she maintains in her house. In the speech of Kabanikha, there are both proverbs and figurative turns of folk speech. All this makes the language of Kabanikhi peculiarly colorful, although it does not soften the general appearance of this domineering, stern, uncompromising guardian of the foundations of the “dark kingdom”.

Despotism, hypocrisy, ignorance, soulless defense of obsolete orders and customs - these are the features of the inner appearance of Kabanikh, making her, along with Wild, a harsh and even more terrible guardian of the foundations of the "dark kingdom".

Boris image.

Boris Grigoryevich serves in the house of Dikoy. He is a well-educated young man. He was brought up in a cultured family (his father, Diky's brother, married a noblewoman), studied at the Moscow Commercial Academy, but his father and mother suddenly died, and he left Moscow to live with his uncle in the hope of receiving money bequeathed by his grandmother.

To Boris's misfortune, the grandmother, bequeathing the money, conditioned its receipt by deference to the uncle, i.e. to Wild. And thus Boris became completely dependent on Diky. Knowing the character of Wild, Kabanikha rightly says to Boris: “That means, sir, that you will never see the inheritance.”

Boris "lives in the nephews" of Dikiy, i.e. is in the undivided power of his uncle, serves him without any salary, hoping only for his mercy. But he most likely will not see these favors.

Boris Grigorievich, according to his internal data, is a dim, “insignificant” person, although not without “a certain degree of spiritual nobility” (Dobrolyubov), responsiveness, kindness, modesty, simplicity and delicacy in dealing with people. But not devoid of spiritual nobility, he is distinguished by timidity, passivity, spinelessness, lack of will.

With his timidity and spinelessness, he destroys himself and his loved ones. He is lost and recedes before the rudeness surrounding him. Realizing that Dikoy does not recognize his respect, no matter how hard he tries to show it, and therefore will not leave anything by will, and if he does, then only "some little", Boris still lives with him, justifying himself with pity to Sister. To the complaint of Katerina, who is suffering and dearly loved by him, to take her with him, he refuses, having neither the strength nor the determination to end his dependence on his uncle and start an independent life. Driven and beaten by a petty tyrant - an uncle, even in the last minutes of parting with Katerina, he cannot overcome the slavish fear: "We would not have been found here!"

According to the fair remark of Dobrolyubov, “Boris is not a hero, he is far from being worth Katerina, he fell in love with him more in the wilderness. He had enough "education" and could not cope either with the old way of life, or with his heart, or with common sense, he walks, as if lost. At the first meeting with Katerina, when he talks about what awaits her for this, Boris interrupts her with the words: “Well, what to think about it, it’s good for us now.” And at the last meeting, he cries ... In a word, this is one of those outstanding people who do not know how to do what they understand and do not understand what they are doing. Education took away from him the strength to do dirty tricks - it is true, but it did not give him the strength to resist the dirty tricks that others do; it has not even developed in him the ability to behave in such a way as to remain alien to everything nasty that swarms around him, no, not only does he not oppose, he submits to other people's nasty things, he willy-nilly participates in them and must accept all their consequences ."

Boris, undoubtedly, deceived the hopes of Katerina, who had the right to wait and expected help and support from him.

Ordinary in his natural abilities, devoid of intelligence and strong will, and genuine feelings, Boris finds himself crushed by the despotic conditions of the Wild.

Submitting to the arbitrariness of Dikoy, he not only did not save Katerina, but also ruined himself, turning, despite his education, into a simple clerk, into a submissive executor of Dikoy's will.

Boris is a person who, instead of overcoming and defeating obstacles, gives in to them and adapts to the environment, while losing his face, sacrificing his human dignity.

In this pathetic role of a colorless person, submissive to despotic tyranny, both Boris himself and his environment are to blame.

The image of Curly

Curly is the exact opposite of Boris. Curly is Diky's clerk. This is a man of a sharp, observant mind, strong-willed warehouse, a kind of self-esteem and rude innocence. Kind and honest in his own way, he, foreseeing the woeful consequences for Katerina of her hobby, warns Boris: “Oh, Boris Grigorievich, stop being tired!” Curly is not only kind and honest, but also bold in his actions, impudent in his tongue. Having met Boris at the place of his usual meetings with Varvara and suspecting him of a rival, he tells him: “On this path, you don’t meet with me at night, so that, God forbid, what a sin didn’t happen ... I’m for mine, but I don’t know what I'll cut my throat!" (III.2). He does not let down his master either. About Dikoy he says: “He is the word, and I am ten; spit and go." Saving Varvara from domestic tyranny, Kudryash, without hesitation, leaves his hometown with her.

Curly does not approve of the unbridled willfulness of people who rule in life: “They understand something.” He condemns their cruelty. He is ready to pull them down, to frighten some Wild in a dark alley: “We don’t have enough guys for me to become, otherwise we would wean him to be mischievous.”

However, curly hair's dissatisfaction is personal and private. He did not grow up to a serious public protest. The most he can do is to criticize bad deeds. Condemning bad people, he does not see vicious social foundations behind them. That's why Wild, enduring his disobedience, insolence, keeps him. They need each other.

Kudryash's protest is mainly aimed at protecting his own personality. Feeling in himself "silushka shimmering in the veins", underdeveloped, he is fond of the exploits of the valiant "revelry", smart "daring". He is somewhat akin to the scorcher Kudryavich from Koltsov's song, who has

With joy - fun

Hop curls curl;

With no care

They don't split.

Right on time

Speeches flow like honey

And from morning to night

Songs are being sung.

But you can not interpret the image of Kudryash only as a songwriter, joker-guitarist. As in Koltsovsky's "Dallet", dissatisfaction with those around him awoke in him, a desire for his awareness. Curly, depending on the conditions of his life, can go two different life paths. He can, moving from master to master, grow discontent in himself and reach an understanding of life based on exploitation, on the power of some and the bondage of others. But it is also quite possible that he will return with Varvara to Kalinov, receive Kabanikhi's forgiveness, become her chief clerk, and then, together with Tikhon and the heir to a huge fortune. With such a turn of affairs, he can turn out to be a clever merchant, somewhat ennobled in comparison with Wild, but in essence defending the same social foundations.

Image of Barbara.

Varvara - the daughter of Kabanikhi - is shown kind, like Tikhon, but unlike him, she is more intelligent, smart, courageous, wayward! Barbara is spiritually primitive. Its primitivism is a direct product of the inert merchant world.

In the house of Kabanikha, which was based on deceit and observance of the external ritual side of moral and everyday principles, there were no conditions for internal growth and moral improvement. “And I,” Varvara declares, “was not a liar, but I learned when it became necessary.” Barbara is guided in all her deeds and actions by the instinct of self-preservation, worldly practicality. Morally unpretentious, she follows the principle worked out by the sanctimonious-predatory environment that raised her: “Do whatever you want, as long as it’s covered and covered.”

Based on this principle, she allows herself more than what was allowed by everyday customs: “What a hunt to dry something.”

She walks with Curly, hiding from her mother. She also owns the initiative to arrange a “criminal” meeting between Katerina and Boris.

The environment of predatory and despotism that surrounded her from childhood brought up in her the features of rudeness and swagger. It is possible that, emphasizing precisely these features of the daughter of Kabanikh, Ostrovsky called her Varvara, which means “rude” in Greek. And according to Dahl’s dictionary, the comic “barbarian” means “celebrate, revel, walk.”

The situation of the then environment limited the inner world of Varvara to a close circle of sensual interests, but did not completely close the possibilities of spiritual development for her. It happened on the street, she observed other customs, met other people.

Varvara sympathizes with Katerina, despises her brother's spinelessness and is indignant at the rude tactlessness of a heartless mother who does not leave her loved ones alone even on the street. “I found a place for instruction to read,” she says “to herself” about her mother.

For all her cunning, adaptability and moral primitiveness, Barbara could not withstand domestic tyranny. She runs away from her mother's house.

Before Barbara, the path is open to both good and evil. There are certainly good things in it. So, she admits to Katerina her moral shortcomings (“I am worse than you”). She is no stranger to kindness and compassion. Freed from the pernicious influence of her mother, she is likely to develop the best sides of her nature.

Image of Tikhon.

Tikhon Ivanovich Kabanov is a merchant's son, modest, kind, but very narrow-minded, timid, weak-willed, spineless by nature, and besides, he was beaten to the end by his despotic mother.

Both his mother and Curly "honor" him as a "fool", but this is unfair. Often he judges much more sensibly than Kabanikh. So to the mother’s question: “Will you exchange your wife for me?” - he sharply replies: “Yes, why should I change? I love both." To her own reproach: “Will your wife be afraid of you after this?” - he again reasonably says: “But why should she be afraid? It's enough for me that she loves me."

Tikhon sees Katerina's torment and pities her, sympathizes with her. This shows his deep humanity.

Faithful to the way of old, Kabanikha raised her son according to the precepts of Domostroy, which she understood only as the precepts of fear and punishment.

She debilitated Tikhon. Powerless to fight against the despotic arbitrariness of his mother, Tikhon decided to unquestioningly carry out her orders. But all his efforts are in vain: he cannot predict all the manifestations of her tyranny. He exclaims bitterly: “I don’t know what kind of unfortunate person I was born into the world that I can’t please you with anything.”

Exhausted by constant reproaches, reproaches, moralizing, bearing the character of bullying, deprived of any manifestation of independence, Tikhon tries to drown out his bitterness with wine.

Ostrovsky wanted to emphasize the unrequited humility and modesty of the son of Kabanikh, even by the very name, calling him Tikhon. But how the atmosphere of arbitrariness and violence has thickened in the depicted reality, if a storm of indignation rises even in the hearts of the most meek and humble! All the time remaining an uncomplaining victim, Tikhon, driven to despair by the death of Katerina, forgetting timidity and fear, turns into an accuser: before all the people, he throws cruel but fair words of condemnation in the face of his mother: “Mother, you ruined her. You, you, you."

Like all the other characters in The Thunderstorm, Tikhon is a typical person in the world of socio-economic and domestic despotism. Recalling his trip to Nizhny in the early 1960s, the famous provincial actor and director P.M. Medvedev said: “My fellow traveler was a living Tikhon. “And I, brother, Kuligin, as soon as I left, I went on a spree.” This young merchant was truly like that. How much I took with him, drunk, flour - only God knows! On the way, he told me about the severity of his father, about his downtrodden wife, in a word, the story of “Thunderstorm”.

In 1859, A. N. Ostrovsky wrote the play "Thunderstorm". By this time, the entire Russian society lurked in a terrible fear of expectation of future changes. Indeed, the social conflict between the old world of conservatives with a patriarchal way of life, the so-called "dark world" and the new world of young and progressive forces, began to brew more and more clearly. The old world in the play "Thunderstorm" is represented by the rich and very evil merchant Kabanikha and the evil, insufferable merchant Dikoy. Of course, their power over those around them is still very great, but they also begin to understand that some new, alien, incomprehensible and already hated force is gradually beginning to awaken in the lower strata.

"Thunderstorm". Curly characteristic

N. A. Dobrolyubov will devote his article to this topic entitled "A Ray of Light in the Dark Kingdom." Where he writes that the dark world of tyrants, mending arbitrariness everywhere, began to feel the sprouts of another life, with other beginnings, although it is not yet clearly visible.

Analyzing in more detail the topic "Thunderstorm". Characteristics of Kudryash”, it should certainly be noted that it is precisely such a young generation of the small town of Kalinov that Katerina, Boris, Kudryash, Varvara and Tikhon represent in the play. However, are they all capable of fighting and repelling the tyranny of the petty tyrants ruling over them?

Characterization of Curly in the play "Thunderstorm"

Can Vanya Kudryash stand up for himself, and who is he? After all, in fact, the topic "Thunderstorm" is set. Characteristics of Curly". Curly is one of the minor characters in Ostrovsky's work, a young man working in the office of a rude merchant Wild. But Kudryash is also reputed to be a rude person and does not want to "serve" before his master. He declares to Kuligin and Shapkin, they say, "I'm not afraid of him, let him be better afraid of me," and responds with rudeness to rudeness, although he himself tries once again not to catch Diky's eyes. But if the merchant Dikoy does not expel him, then they need each other, and therefore Kudryash does not need to show heroism to present some of his demands.


Curly is one of the first characters in the play and introduces us to the way of life in the city of Kalinov. He is bold, cheerful and self-confident. He has his own passion, with whom he secretly meets in the evenings from her mother Kabanikhi. Kudryash and Varvara facilitated the meetings of the married Katerina and the nephew Wild Boris, free from marital ties.

Finishing the discussion on the topic "Thunderstorm". Characteristics of Curly”, it should be noted that when all their secret dates were revealed, Boris did not save Katerina and obediently left for Siberia, where his uncle had sent him. But Kudryash is not the same, he takes Varvara and runs away with her. Curly if he set a goal, then he achieves it, no matter what it costs him.

Ostrovsky knew how to create interesting and memorable characters. Perhaps one of his most famous plays are "Dowry" and "Thunderstorm". Each of them reflects in its own way the problem of limited society, its materiality and lack of spirituality. I would like to dwell on the latter in more detail. The list of characters in this drama is replete with vivid images. On the pages of the work one can meet tyrant merchants and an unhappy dreamy girl, a half-witted lady and a self-taught mechanic, a hypocritical young man and a cowardly merchant's son. Main. Heroes perform a plot-forming function, but what is the role of secondary characters? For example, Vanya Curly? This essay will be devoted to the characterization of Kudryash in the play "Thunderstorm".

You should start with a name. The author does not just choose certain names for his characters. You also need to remember about a certain tradition that has developed in Russian literature of the nineteenth century. The speakers were the surname Prostakovs in Fonvizin's "Undergrowth", the name of the city of Glupov in Shchedrin's novel, even Dostoevsky's Raskolnikov and Devushkin fit into this paradigm. In "Thunderstorm" there are Wild, Kabanikha and Tikhon - also speaking names. At the same time, the character of the character is inextricably linked with his name. So, the character of Curly can be judged by knowing his first and last name. The name "Ivan" is widespread in epics and fairy tales. Gradually, the image of Ivan the Fool was separated from the image of another Ivan, an enterprising young man who would find a way out of any situation and be able to deceive the devil himself. So here Vanya is the only person who can answer Wild in his own manner. At the same time, Wild is afraid of Vanya precisely because Kudryash lacks blind obedience and servility to the merchant.

The character's surname, Curly, is also associated with this image, because the Ivanovs from fairy tales have curly hair. In addition, it emphasizes the valiant prowess and kindness of character.

Vanya Kudryash is the bearer of the national character. He is strong, kind, funny and daring. The case is on fire in his hands. Ivan is practical and sensibly looks at things. Despite the fact that he also belongs to the merchant environment, there is no greed and greed in him. Curly is alien to the beauty of nature. This can be seen from the first scene - Kudryash's conversation with Kuligin. Vanya values ​​freedom and is afraid of losing it. Most likely, this was the main reason for the relationship with Varvara. Their feelings are sincere. They meet in secret for a long time. Both Varvara and Ivan appreciate these relationships, both of these characters remain internally free. During night walks, Varvara and Ivan joke, sing and have fun. Thanks to this couple, secret dates between Boris and Katerina became possible. It should be mentioned that initially Kudryash dissuaded Boris from communicating with Katya, having learned that Boris's beloved was married. Unlike Boris, Kudryash fights for his love in The Thunderstorm. He does not leave his beloved, like Boris, but runs away with her.

However, one should not idealize the image of Curly in the play "Thunderstorm". There are many negative traits in the character of Curly. Ivan himself admits that "it hurts dashing for girls." So, no one can guarantee that Varvara will be happy with him. To his positive qualities of character, it is imperative to add negative ones: the desire for power, narcissism, boasting. He is also a representative of the "dark kingdom", but wants to be a master, not a slave.

Vanya Kudryash is the bearer of the national character - he is a solid, courageous and cheerful person who can always stand up for himself and for his feelings. This hero appears in the very beginning of the scene, introducing the readers, together with Kuligin, to the orders and customs of Kalinov and its inhabitants. He fears neither life nor urban tyrants such as Dikoy, for whom he works. Moreover, he is even ready to wean Wild from “playing naughty” - only “we don’t have enough guys for me to become.” The worst thing for him is to lose his freedom and fall into slavery of people like Dikoy.

Sincere relations connect them with Varvara, they constantly appoint secret dates to each other. Also, thanks to this couple, a love relationship is established between Boris and Katerina. Despite its simple origin, Kudryash's personality, unlike Boris, is distinguished by nobility of character, kindness and sensitivity to other people's troubles. So, for example, after learning from Boris that he made a date with a married woman, Kudryash begins to persuade her to leave, since he can “completely ruin” her. Another of his positive qualities is that he is able to fight for his love. He does not leave Varvara, but runs away with her.

Ivan Kudryash is an image of a simple guy from the people, one to whom no one orders. Even his last name is so sonorous and simple - Curly. This combination of sounds expresses his cheerful and daring nature, love of freedom.
He really is like a curl on an even hairstyle - masterful and uncontrollable, but at the same time possessing his own beauty. There is a certain dignity in Ivan, and to some extent he even surpasses more status people in this parameter. For example, it is Kudryash who tries to help Boris with moral advice, it is he who has some intentions to make Wild more patient and kind to people.

In this image, Ostrovsky draws the beauty of the national spirit, such a simple guy from the people, who, although he is hooligan and headstrong, still adheres to certain principles. This faithful person will always follow his own love and he easily runs away with Barbara, is not afraid of secret dates with her.

In addition, the clerk is sensitive to other people, he is not helpful and does not fawn over anyone, but has real compassion. Although, of course, to some extent, this image is a bit exaggerated, and such people in the "pure" form described by the author, we can not often see in everyday life. Nevertheless, it is easy to understand what Ostrovsky wants to tell us in this way.

Kudryash is an image of the common people, in particular the Russian people, which is characterized by frankness and honesty, the ability to defend their own opinions and convictions. However, if we look a little deeper, then Vanya also skillfully uses the situation, because the Wild One needs him and therefore, among other things, allows himself some self-will and a slightly rude attitude.

On his own, he would like to reason with Wild, but he fears that no one else will take his side. Therefore, Curly and it remains only to behave as he behaved before. This is his freedom, which he does not want to limit in any way.

The result is an escape, which is very symbolic, as it emphasizes the nature of this hero. Curly runs away with Varvara, as it were, beyond the space of the play itself and thus overcomes certain limits. He runs away with Varvara from the evil Kabanikh, and this emphasizes the desire of the free spirit of the hero to avoid all kinds of external negative influences that limit him.

Option 2

Ostrovsky wrote a huge number of different works that are studied at school. And one of them is "Thunderstorm". One of the main characters is Ivan Kudryash. And although he is an ordinary guy, only for him there are no orders from other people, he uses only those that he invents himself, and no one can convince him of this. And his last name is not only simple, but also sonorous. He likes freedom more than anything in the world, and he would not exchange it for anything.

His hairstyle is very popular with everyone around him. It does not need to be twisted, but all because his hair curls on its own, and many dream about it. In addition, many turn to him for help and he has not yet refused any of them. He always helps those who need help or practical and necessary advice. Only he managed to help and change Wild a little. And thanks to him, he became a little more patient and kinder to people, and in fact this had not been observed before him. And Boris turned to him for advice that no one could give him before.

By this, the author shows that although he is a powerful and free guy who can do whatever he wants and no one can forbid him, nevertheless, his soul is very kind and he will never be able to pass by. He has certain principles that he can never violate. When he liked Barbara, he gradually began to achieve her, and although it was very difficult, the guy was not going to retreat. And then one day he managed to achieve all this, and now they met secretly every day. And when the girl suggested that he run away from here and live in peace and no longer hide, the guy agreed without hesitation.

He never fawned over anyone, and if he really didn’t like a person, then he could report it without any problems and was never afraid of anything or anyone. Although in reality such people are very few or practically non-existent. But, nevertheless, each reader can easily and simply understand what exactly the author wanted to convey to us.

And since he is honest and kind, he will always and to the last defend what came to his mind, as well as what he really considers the right option. But then one day there comes a moment when he simply takes advantage of the situation and this situation is connected with the Wild. In this case, he treats him rudely and not quite correctly. He knows perfectly well that the Wild will never yield to anyone, and therefore now he is taking his side. In addition, he is one hundred percent sure that no one else will stand on his side except him.

And the only right option is to escape with your beloved from here forever. And thanks to this, he will be able to protect not only himself, but also his beloved.

Composition on the theme Curly

Alexander Nikolaevich Ostrovsky created the drama "Thunderstorm" at the time of the overdue conflict between the old world, living according to rooted customs, rejecting the new, and the younger generation, who want to progress and oppose patriarchal customs. This opposition formed the basis of the work.

One of the secondary characters of the play, the representative of the new world is Kudryash Ivan. The writer introduces the reader to this character in the first scene of the play, from which Kalinov's orders become known.

A. N. Ostrovsky uses in the play such an artistic technique as a speaking surname, thus conveying the main features of the characters. Based on this, it can be said about Ivan that his surname is associated with curly hair - a feature of the Russian people, characterizes the guy as strong, kind, daring.

Curly clerk of the merchant Wild, song nature. Unlike other workers, he is able to repulse the "dark kingdom", answers his boss with the same rudeness, therefore he has a reputation as a rude man, in his own words. Dikoy does not kick the guy out, as he is an excellent worker.

Ivan considers himself a fickle, windy person, saying about himself: “It hurts dashing for girls ...”. But for a long time the guy meets with Varvara Kabanova in secret from the girl's mother, Kabanikhi. Despite the high feeling, even in relation to his beloved, he shows rudeness, meeting her with the following phrase: “Why are you taking so long! Wait for you more! You know what I don't like!" For the sake of Varvara, Ivan is ready for a lot, but he believes that married girls should stay at home, he himself loves freedom and is afraid of losing it.

Ivan does not condemn the relationship between married Katerina and Boris, being sensitive, attentive to other people, he warns the guy that such love can be fatal for Katerina and turns out to be right.

At the end of the work, when secret meetings were revealed, for a long time outwardly obeying the old world, Varvara and Kudryash no longer want to follow patriarchal customs. Unlike Boris, Ivan is able to stand up for his feelings, so he runs away with his beloved from home, because he is unable to endure tyranny, oppresses the representatives of the "dark kingdom".

So A. N. Ostrovsky, with the help of the image of Kudryash, reveals in the work the problem of the irreconcilable contradiction of society in the period of the pre-reform upsurge.

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