Oblomov's upbringing and education. The education of Oblomov and Stolz

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The period of childhood and the events that happened to us during this period of development significantly affect the formation of a person's personality. The life of literary characters, in particular, Ilya Ilyich Oblomov, does not become an exception.

Oblomov's native village

Ilya Ilyich Oblomov spent all his childhood in his native village - Oblomovka. The beauty of this village was that it was far from all settlements, and, most importantly, very far from large cities. Such solitude contributed to the fact that all the inhabitants of Oblomovka lived, as it were, in conservation - they rarely went anywhere and almost no one ever came to them.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with the novel by Ivan Goncharov “Oblomov”

In the old days, Oblomovka could well be called a promising village - canvases were made in Oblomovka, delicious beer was brewed. However, after Ilya Ilyich became the owner of everything, all this fell into disrepair, and over time Oblomovka became a backward village, from which people periodically ran away, since living conditions there were terrible. The reason for this decline was the laziness of its owners and the unwillingness to carry out even minimal changes in the life of the village: “Oblomov, as he accepted the estate from his father, passed it on to his son.”

However, in Oblomov's memoirs, his native village remained a paradise on earth - after his departure to the city, he never came to his native village again.

In Oblomov's memoirs, the village remained, as it were, frozen out of time. “Silence and imperturbable calm also reign in the morals of people in that region. There were no robberies, no murders, no terrible accidents; neither strong passions nor daring undertakings excited them."

Oblomov's parents

Childhood memories of any person are inextricably linked with the images of parents or educators.
Ilya Ivanovich Oblomov was the father of the protagonist of the novel. He was a good person in his own right - kind and sincere, but absolutely lazy and inactive. Ilya Ivanovich did not like to do any business - his whole life was actually devoted to the contemplation of reality.

They put off all the necessary things until the very last moment, as a result, soon all the buildings of the estate began to collapse and looked more like ruins. The master's house did not pass such a fate, which was significantly skewed, but no one was in a hurry to fix it. Ilya Ivanovich did not modernize his economy, he had no idea about factories and their devices. Ilya Ilyich's father liked to sleep for a long time, and then look out the window for a long time, even if nothing at all happened outside the window.

Ilya Ivanovich did not strive for anything, he was not interested in earning money and increasing his income, he also did not strive for personal development - from time to time his father could be found reading a book, but this was done for show or out of boredom - Ilya Ivanovich had everything It’s like reading, sometimes he didn’t even really delve into the text.

The name of Oblomov's mother is unknown - she died much earlier than her father. Despite the fact that in fact Oblomov knew his mother less than his father, he still loved her passionately.

Oblomov's mother was a match for her husband - she also lazily created the appearance of housekeeping and indulged in this business only in case of emergency.

Oblomov's upbringing

Since Ilya Ilyich was the only child in the family, he was not deprived of attention. Parents spoiled the boy from childhood - they overprotected him.

Many servants were assigned to him - so many that little Oblomov did not need any action - everything that was necessary was brought to him, served and even dressed: “If Ilya Ilyich wants something, he just has to blink - already three -Four servants rush to fulfill his wish.

As a result, Ilya Ilyich did not even dress himself - without the help of his servant Zakhar, he was absolutely helpless.

As a child, Ilya was not allowed to play with the guys, he was forbidden all active and outdoor games. At first, Ilya Ilyich ran away from home without permission in order to play pranks and run around to his heart's content, but then they began to look after him more intensely, and escapes became at first difficult, and then completely impossible, so soon his natural curiosity and activity, which is inherent in all children, faded away, its place was taken by laziness and apathy.

Oblomov's parents tried to protect him from any difficulties and troubles - they wanted the child's life to be easy and carefree. They succeeded in completely accomplishing this, but this state of affairs became disastrous for Oblomov. The period of childhood quickly passed, and Ilya Ilyich did not even acquire elementary skills to adapt to real life.

Oblomov's education

The issue of education is also inextricably linked with childhood. It is during this period that children acquire elementary skills and knowledge about the world around them, which allows them to further deepen their knowledge in a particular industry and become a successful specialist in their field.

Oblomov's parents, who took care of him so intensely all the time, did not attach importance to education - they considered it more torment than a useful occupation.

Oblomov was sent to study only because receiving at least an elementary education was a necessary requirement in their society.

They also did not care about the quality of their son's knowledge - the main thing was to get a certificate. For the pampered Ilya Ilyich, studying at a boarding school, and then at the university, was hard labor, it was “a punishment sent down by heaven for our sins,” which, however, was periodically facilitated by the parents themselves, leaving their son at home at a time when the learning process was in full swing.

I tried to show in Oblomov how

and why do we have people turn before

time in "jelly" - climate, environment ...

drowsy life and still private,

individual for each circumstance.

I. A. Goncharov

It began with the inability to put on stockings,

and ended in the inability to live.

I. A. Goncharov

May 1st, 1843. Petersburg. In an apartment on Gorokhovaya Street, Ilya Ilyich Oblomov lies on the sofa. A young (he is 32-33 years old) person experiences a feeling of "peaceful joy" at the thought that he does not have to go to work, worry, fuss about something, "that there is room for his feelings, imagination." Lying on the sofa and pondering plans for the reorganization of his estate, he imagines it as such, where there will be eternal summer, eternal fun, sweet food and sweet laziness. True, things do not go beyond dreams (even such ones!): Oblomov not only does not work himself, but also despises people who work. “I am a gentleman and I can’t do anything,” he proudly declares. Ilya Ilyich left the service, does not want to do housework and does not know how, lives on money sent from the estate (he never knows how much they will send).

In the portrait of Ilya Ilyich, the author emphasizes softness, a kind expression on his face, a friendly look, a thought “freely fluttering” across his face. This man is kind of cute. He reproaches himself, asks himself the question: “Why am I like this?” Indeed, why? Born like this? Who gave him the opportunity to mess around? After all, he is still young, full of strength. But the bustle of the big city is not for him. And he has no desire to serve, he does not want to go anywhere, he does not want to get off the couch. A quiet, calm life on the estate, "fullness of satisfied desires, reasonable pleasures" - this is Oblomov's ideal.

The path to this "ideal" began in Oblomovka. In the chapter "Oblomov's Dream" Goncharov draws Ilyusha as a seven-year-old child, talks about his upbringing, about the environment in which the boy grew up, about the environment that shaped his character. As a child, Ilyusha was mobile and inquisitive, but he was inspired both by word and by personal example that he didn’t need to do anything himself, for this there are Vankas, Vaskas, Zakharkas. His parents also treated their son's education in a peculiar way, believing that one should study lightly, "not to the point of exhausting the soul and body." Growing older, the boy realized that it was much easier this way, he learned to shout at the servants and shirk his studies. Such an upbringing suppressed everything good in the child and developed everything bad. And the surrounding situation contributed to this: no one did anything, the economy was falling apart; plentiful food and sleep, "the semblance of death" - this is the circle of interests of the Oblomovites. Ilyusha's curiosity was satisfied by the nurse's tales, which had such an effect on him that "imagination and mind, imbued with fiction, remained in his slavery until old age." He, already an adult, was sad, "why a fairy tale is not life, and life is not a fairy tale."

Drawing Oblomov's childhood, Goncharov repeats the idea more than once: everything that Ilya-sha sees makes him the way we meet him in an apartment on Gorokhovaya Street. From there, from Oblomovka, his apathy, laziness, lack of will. The influence on Ilyusha Oblomovka was so strong and deep that it could no longer be eradicated either during his student years or after.

If you sow character, you will reap fate... Ilya became more and more lazy and apathetic; The first collisions with life, the first difficulties frightened Oblomov. Once he sent a business letter instead of Astrakhan to Arkhangelsk and, frightened by this, resigned. “Thus ended and then his state activity was not resumed,” the author remarks ironically.

Oblomov fenced himself off from the world, said goodbye to the "crowd of friends", began to leave the house less and less, as if rooted to his sofa (the sofa, dressing gown and shoes become a symbol of the master's sybarism). Sometimes he wants to become different, to put an end to laziness, he even (in his dreams, of course!) draws up plans for the reorganization of the estate, decides to fight evil, but only changes his position and continues to think, "sparing no effort" - that's all the work.

Even such a simple matter as moving to a new apartment seems to him an insoluble problem and a difficult life test. “It touches life, it gets everywhere,” complains Oblomov. A childhood friend, persistent, energetic Stoltz tries to wake him from his lethargic sleep - in vain!

When the smart, active, romantic Olga Ilyinskaya entered the life of Ilya Ilyich, hope for a revival flared up in him. Having fallen in love with Olga, Oblomov changed for some time. He gets up early, dresses carefully (“you can’t see a bathrobe on him”), visits theaters, museums with Olga, even climbs hills, begins to negotiate the construction of a new house in Oblomovka. material from the site

But even for the sake of his beloved girl, Ilya Ilyich could not overcome the fatal influence of Oblomovism. He is still drawn to the couch. He wants love not to disturb the habitual way of life. “The miserable state of moral slavery” (Dobrolubov) wins, and Oblomov refuses Olga, from hopes, from love, finds consolation and a new Oblomovka, marrying the kind, unrequited, able to love devotedly, but completely undeveloped Agafya Matveevna Pshenitsyna.

Nobility and laziness, instilled from childhood, formed a weak-willed, unviable character, determined the tragic fate of a good person, born, perhaps, for a different fate.

The writer very convincingly shows the drama of Ilya Ilyich, his gradual death, the cause of which is the destructive influence of the feudal-serf system that gave rise to Oblomovism.

Goncharov's criticism, imbued with sympathy for the individual, but merciless towards the feudal system, has a very strong impact. No wonder the impression of the novel was "huge and unanimous," as I. A. Goncharov noted with satisfaction.

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On this page, material on the topics:

  • Oblomov's character
  • Oblomov short essay
  • if in the novel the reasons that formed Oblomov so
  • How did oblomovka affect the fate of Ilya Ilyich
  • the essence of Oblomov's character

Formation of the image of Oblomov in Goncharov's novel "Oblomov"

Goncharov began writing his novel from the chapter "Oblomov's Dream", which was published in the Sovremennik magazine in 1849. Goncharov himself called "Oblomov's Dream" "the overture of the whole novel", and therefore believed that it could be published separately. The novel was first published in its entirety in 1859. Thus, Goncharov worked on his most important work for more than ten years - in the period from 1848 to 1859.

In the center of the whole work is the figure of the protagonist, and the novel is named after him. In his collection of critical notes “Better late than never,” Goncharov wrote: “For example, I was first of all struck by the lazy image of Oblomov - in myself and in others - and it appeared brighter and brighter in front of me. Of course, I instinctively felt that the elementary properties of a Russian person were gradually being absorbed into this figure - and so far this instinct was enough for the image to be true to character. That is, if Gogol believed that “at least for a minute, if not for a few minutes, he was or is being made by Khlestakov,” then Goncharov saw Oblomov in all people.

He saw Oblomov as a kind of eternal, universal type. Dobrolyubov, in the article “What is Oblomovism”, published in the journal “Domestic Notes” in 1859, wrote that Oblomov is “a living modern Russian type, minted with merciless rigor and correctness”, that is, he perceived him as a sign of the current social state of the country . This particular historical type completes the gallery of "superfluous people" in Russian literature. In the image of Oblomov there is something that is characteristic of all Russian people. Soviet literary researcher L. M. Lotman (Yu. M. Lotman’s sister) wrote that Oblomov is a work “about the dying of the will, the “fading” of the personality, the death of talents in the airless space of slavery and lordship, bureaucratic soullessness and selfish businessmanship” .

It turns out that Oblomov also belonged to the type of "superfluous people", although in character he does not resemble either Onegin or Pechorin. And all because Oblomov grew up in a very patriarchal family, that is, in a family of a type that is fading into the past. So it turned out that Ilya Ilyich left the life of Oblomovka, but could not enter a new life.

Goncharov, of course, created a new type of "extra person". But he portrays the protagonist of his novel in new historical circumstances and sees the reasons for his inactivity not so much in confrontation with the surrounding society, but in Oblomovism - the social conditions that shaped the personality of the hero. The local nobility, whose prominent representative is Oblomov, who for a long time was the economic and political pillar of the Russian state, is gradually beginning to lose its former positions, degenerating.

When Goncharov talks about how the character of Ilya Ilyich was formed, he describes how Oblomov grew up. His parents “understood the benefits of education, but only its external benefits”, that is, they realized that without education you won’t achieve much, but they considered any work an unpleasant necessity, a formal obstacle. They wanted to make it possible for their son to “study lightly, not to the exhaustion of the soul and body, not to the loss of the blessed fullness acquired in childhood, but in such a way that only observe the prescribed form and somehow get a certificate in which it was said that Ilyusha went through all the sciences and arts. Ilya Ilyich learned this morality and this attitude to work from childhood.

For Goncharov in "Oblomov", as well as for Pushkin in "Eugene Onegin", it was very important to show the origins of the character, which is why he describes the childhood and parents of his hero, his upbringing. For this, the author needed the chapter "Oblomov's Dream".

In it, Goncharov shows an idyll. Oblomov, falling asleep, sees "a blessed corner of the earth", the nature of which is "a series of picturesque sketches, cheerful, smiling landscapes." He sees himself as a seven-year-old, it is "easy, fun" for him, then he sees his whole family and his house in Oblomovka, where "the main concern was the kitchen and dinner." He sees a nanny who tells him “about the prowess of Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich, Alyosha Popovich, about Polkan the hero, about Kolechishche a passerby, about how they wandered around Russia, beat countless hordes of infidels, how they competed in who with one spirit drink a glass of green wine and not grunt.

Oblomovka is drawn as a whole kingdom. Goncharov says that life in that region breathed “primitive laziness, simplicity of morals, silence and immobility”, that Ilya Ilyich’s parents “never embarrassed themselves with any vague mental or moral questions”, and then, describing learning from Stolz, he notes that "The mind and heart of the child were filled with all the pictures, scenes and customs of this life before he saw the first book."

We can say that Oblomov belongs to a certain era, at the same time, he has signs of a person who could not fully realize his potential, find application for his best qualities.

Goncharov's novel "Oblomov" was written during the transition of Russian society from outdated, house-building traditions and values ​​to new, enlightening views and ideas. This process became the most difficult and difficult for representatives of the landlord social class, as it required an almost complete rejection of the usual way of life and was associated with the need to adapt to new, more dynamic and rapidly changing conditions. And if a part of society easily adapted to the renewed circumstances, then for others the process of transition turned out to be very difficult, since it was essentially opposed to the usual way of life of their parents, grandfathers and great-grandfathers. Ilya Ilyich Oblomov is the representative of just such landlords, who failed to change along with the world, adapting to it. According to the plot of the work, the hero was born in a village far from the capital of Russia - Oblomovka, where he received a classic landowner, house-building upbringing, which shaped many of Oblomov's main character traits - lack of will, apathy, lack of initiative, laziness, unwillingness to work and the expectation that someone will do everything for him. Excessive guardianship of parents, constant prohibitions, the calmingly lazy atmosphere of Oblomovka led to a deformation of the character of a curious and active boy, making him introverted, prone to escapism and unable to overcome even the most insignificant difficulties.

The inconsistency of Oblomov's character in the novel "Oblomov"

The negative side of Oblomov's character

In the novel, Ilya Ilyich does not decide anything on his own, hoping for help from outside - Zakhar, who will bring him food or clothes, Stolz, who can solve problems in Oblomovka, Tarantiev, who, although he will deceive, will figure out the situation of interest to Oblomov, etc. The hero is not interested in real life, it causes him boredom and fatigue, while he finds true peace and satisfaction in the world of illusions invented by him. Spending all his days lying on the couch, Oblomov makes unrealizable plans for the arrangement of Oblomovka and his happy family life, in many ways similar to the calm, monotonous atmosphere of his childhood. All his dreams are directed to the past, even the future that he draws for himself are echoes of a distant past that can no longer be returned.

It would seem that a lazy, lumberjack hero living in an untidy apartment cannot arouse sympathy and disposition in the reader, especially against the background of an active, active, purposeful friend of Ilya Ilyich - Stolz. However, the true essence of Oblomov is revealed gradually, which allows you to see all the versatility and inner unrealized potential of the hero. Even as a child, surrounded by quiet nature, care and control of his parents, subtly feeling, dreamy Ilya was deprived of the most important thing - the knowledge of the world through its opposites - beauty and ugliness, victories and defeats, the need to do something and the joy of gaining one's own work. From an early age, the hero had everything he needed - helpful courtyards carried out orders at the first call, and parents spoiled their son in every possible way. Once outside the parental nest, Oblomov, not ready for the real world, continues to expect that everyone around him will treat him as warmly and affably as in his native Oblomovka. However, his hopes were destroyed already in the first days in the service, where no one cared about him, and everyone was only for himself. Deprived of the will to live, the ability to fight for his place in the sun and perseverance, Oblomov, after an accidental mistake, leaves the service himself, fearing punishment from his superiors. The very first failure becomes the last for the hero - he no longer wants to move forward, hiding from the real, "cruel" world in his dreams.

The positive side of Oblomov's character

The person who could pull Oblomov out of this passive state, leading to the degradation of the personality, was Andrei Ivanovich Stolz. Perhaps, Stolz is the only character in the novel who thoroughly saw not only negative, but also positive features of Oblomov: sincerity, kindness, the ability to feel and understand the problems of another person, inner peace and simplicity. It was to Ilya Ilyich that Stoltz came in difficult moments when he needed support and understanding. Pigeon tenderness, sensuality and sincerity of Oblomov are revealed during the relationship with Olga. Ilya Ilyich is the first to realize that he is not suitable for the active, purposeful Ilyinskaya, who does not want to devote herself to Oblomov's values ​​- this betrays a subtle psychologist in him. Oblomov is ready to give up his own love, as he understands that he will not be able to give Olga the happiness she dreams of.

The character and fate of Oblomov are closely related - his lack of will, inability to fight for his happiness, along with spiritual kindness and gentleness, lead to tragic consequences - fear of difficulties and sorrows of reality, as well as the hero’s complete departure into a pacifying, calm, wonderful world of illusions.

National character in the novel "Oblomov"

The image of Oblomov in Goncharov's novel is a reflection of the national Russian character, its ambiguity and versatility. Ilya Ilyich is the same archetypal Emelya the Fool on the stove, about which the nanny told the hero in childhood. Like the character of a fairy tale, Oblomov believes in a miracle that should happen to him by itself: a benevolent firebird or a kind sorceress will appear who will take him to the wonderful world of honey and milk rivers. And the chosen one of the sorceress should not be a bright, hardworking, active hero, but always “quiet, harmless”, “some kind of lazy person whom everyone offends”.

Unquestioning faith in a miracle, in a fairy tale, in the possibility of the impossible is the main feature not only of Ilya Ilyich, but also of any Russian person brought up on folk tales and legends. Falling on fertile ground, this belief becomes the basis of a person’s life, replacing reality with an illusion, as happened with Ilya Ilyich: “he had a fairy tale mixed with life, and sometimes he unconsciously feels sad, why a fairy tale is not life, and life is not a fairy tale.”

At the end of the novel, Oblomov, it would seem, finds that "Oblomov" happiness that he had long dreamed of - a calm, monotonous life without stress, a caring kind wife, an arranged life and a son. However, Ilya Ilyich does not return to the real world, he remains in his illusions, which become more important and significant for him than real happiness next to a woman who adores him. In fairy tales, the hero must pass three trials, after which he will expect the fulfillment of all desires, otherwise the hero will die. Ilya Ilyich does not pass a single test, first succumbing to failure in the service, and then to the need to change for Olga. Describing Oblomov's life, the author seems to be ironic about the hero's excessive faith in an unrealizable miracle, for which there is no need to fight.


At the same time, the simplicity and complexity of Oblomov’s character, the ambiguity of the character himself, the analysis of his positive and negative sides, make it possible to see in Ilya Ilyich the eternal image of an unrealized personality “out of his time” - an “extra person” who failed to find his own place in real life, and therefore left into the world of illusions. However, the reason for this, as Goncharov emphasizes, is not in a fatal combination of circumstances or the difficult fate of the hero, but in the wrong upbringing of Oblomov, who is sensitive and gentle in character. Grown as a "houseplant", Ilya Ilyich turned out to be unadapted to reality, which is quite hard for his refined nature, replacing it with the world of his own dreams.

Artwork test

One of the largest Russian writers of the 19th century, Ivan Alexandrovich Goncharov, is the author of widely known novels: "An Ordinary Story", "Oblomov" and "Cliff".

Especially popular Goncharov's novel "Oblomov". Although it was published over a hundred years ago (in 1859), it is still read with great interest today, as a vivid artistic depiction of musty landowner life. It captures a typical literary image of enormous impressive power - the image of Ilya Ilyich Oblomov.

The remarkable Russian critic N. A. Dobrolyubov, in his article “What is Oblomovism?”, clarifying the historical significance of Goncharov’s novel, established the features that mark this painful phenomenon in public life and in a person’s personality.

Oblomov's character

Main Oblomov's character traits- weakness of the will, passive, indifferent attitude to the surrounding reality, a tendency to a purely contemplative life, carelessness and laziness. The common name "Oblomov" came into use to refer to a person who is extremely inactive, phlegmatic and passive.

Oblomov's favorite pastime is lying in bed. “Ilya Ilyich’s lying down was neither a necessity, like a sick person or a person who wants to sleep, nor an accident, like someone who is tired, nor a pleasure, like a lazy person, this was his normal state. When he was at home - and he was almost always at home - he was still lying, and everything was constantly in the same room. Oblomov's office was dominated by neglect and negligence. If it weren’t for the plate with a salt shaker and a gnawed bone lying on the table, uncleaned from the evening dinner, and not for the pipe leaning against the bed, or not the host himself, lying in bed, "one would think that no one lives here - everything was so dusty, faded and generally devoid of living traces of human presence."

Oblomov is too lazy to get up, too lazy to get dressed, too lazy to even concentrate his thoughts on something.

Living a sluggish, contemplative life, Ilya Ilyich is not averse to dreaming sometimes, but his dreams are fruitless and irresponsible. This is how he, the immovable bumpkin, dreams of becoming a famous commander, like Napoleon, or a great artist, or a writer, before whom everyone bows. These dreams did not lead to anything - they are just one of the manifestations of an idle pastime.

Typical for the nature of Oblomov and the state of apathy. He is afraid of life, tries to isolate himself from life's impressions. He says with effort and prayer: "Life touches." At the same time, Oblomov is deeply inherent in the nobility. Once his servant Zakhar hinted that "others lead a different life." Oblomov responded to this reproach in the following way:

“Another one works tirelessly, runs around, fusses ... If he doesn’t work, he won’t eat ... And I? .. Do I rush about, do I work? It seems that there is someone to give, there is someone to do: I have never pulled a stocking over my legs, as I live, thank God! Will I worry? From what to me?

Why Oblomov became "Oblomov". Childhood in Oblomovka

Oblomov was not born such a useless slacker as he is presented in the novel. All his negative character traits are the product of depressing living conditions and upbringing in childhood.

In the chapter "Oblomov's Dream" Goncharov shows why Oblomov became "Oblomov". But how active, inquisitive and inquisitive little Ilyusha Oblomov was and how these features were extinguished in the ugly atmosphere of Oblomovka:

“The child looks and observes with a sharp and captivating look how and what adults do, what they devote morning to. Not a single trifle, not a single feature escapes the child’s inquisitive attention, the picture of domestic life indelibly cuts into the soul, the soft mind is saturated with living examples and unconsciously draws a program of his life from the life around him.

But how monotonous and tedious are the pictures of domestic life in Oblomovka! The whole life consisted in the fact that people ate many times a day, slept to the point of stupefaction, and in their free time from eating and sleeping, they wandered around idle.

Ilyusha is a lively, mobile child, he wants to run around, observe, but his natural childish inquisitiveness is hindered.

“- Let's go, mom, for a walk,” says Ilyusha.
- What are you, God bless you! Now walk, - she answers, - it's damp, you'll catch a cold; and it’s scary: now the goblin walks in the forest, he takes away small children ... "

Ilyusha was protected in every possible way from work, created a lordly state in the child, accustomed to inactivity. “If Ilya Ilyich wants something, he only has to blink - already three or four servants rush to fulfill his desire; whether he drops something, whether he needs to get a thing, but he won’t get it, whether to bring something, whether to run away for what; sometimes, like a frisky boy, he just wants to rush and redo everything himself, and then suddenly his father and mother and three aunts in five voices will shout:

"Why? Where? What about Vaska, and Vanka, and Zakharka? Hey! Vaska! Vanka! Zaharka! What are you looking at, bro? Here I am!..”

And Ilya Ilyich will never be able to do anything for himself.

Parents looked at Ilyusha's education only as a necessary evil. They did not awaken respect for knowledge, not the need for it, in the child's heart, but rather disgust, and tried in every possible way to "make it easier" for the boy this difficult matter; under various pretexts, they did not send Ilyusha to the teacher: either under the pretext of ill health, or in view of someone's upcoming name day, and even in those cases when they were going to bake pancakes.

The years of his studies at the university also passed without a trace for Oblomov's mental and moral development; nothing came of this man, who was not accustomed to work, with the service; neither the smart and energetic friend Stolz, nor his beloved girl Olga, who set out to return Oblomov to an active life, had a profound effect on him.

Parting with his friend, Stoltz said: "Farewell, old Oblomovka, you have outlived your life". These words refer to tsarist pre-reform Russia, but even in the conditions of the new life, there are still a lot of sources that nourished Oblomovism.

Oblomov today, in the modern world

Not today, in the modern world Fragments, no oblast in that sharply expressed and extreme form in which it is shown by Goncharov. But with all this, even in our country from time to time there are manifestations of Oblomovism as a relic of the past. Their roots must be sought, first of all, in the wrong conditions of family upbringing of some children, whose parents, usually not realizing this, contribute to the emergence of Oblomov moods and Oblomov behavior in their children.

And in the modern world there are families where love for children is manifested in providing them with such conveniences in which children, as far as possible, are freed from work. Some children reveal the features of Oblomov's weak character only in relation to certain types of activity: to mental or, conversely, to physical labor. Meanwhile, without a combination of mental labor with physical development, development proceeds one-sidedly. This one-sidedness can lead to general lethargy and apathy.

Oblomovism is a sharp expression of weakness of character. In order to prevent it, it is necessary to educate in children those strong-willed character traits that exclude passivity and apathy. The first of these traits is purposefulness. A person with a strong character has the features of volitional activity: determination, courage, initiative. Especially important for a strong character is perseverance, manifested in overcoming obstacles, in the fight against difficulties. Strong characters are formed in struggle. Oblomov was freed from all efforts, life in his eyes was divided into two halves: “one consisted of labor and boredom - these were synonyms for him; the other from peace and peaceful fun. Not accustomed to labor effort, children, like Oblomov, tend to identify work with boredom and seek peace and peaceful fun.

It is useful to re-read the wonderful novel Oblomov, so that, imbued with a feeling of disgust for Oblomovism and its roots, carefully monitor whether there are any remnants of it in the modern world - even if not in a harsh, but sometimes disguised form, and take all measures to overcome these experiences.

According to the magazine "Family and School", 1963